Pink Todays Special Flyer

8.5 x 11 in

  • customize icon

    Easy to Customize

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    Share via link, QR, or Link Page

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    Publish updates everywhere

  • brand icon

    Brand and menu management

  • print icon

    Restaurant-savvy printing (U.S. only)

Design Details

Your specials will be sitting pretty when you share them on this Pink Todays Special Flyer! White text, a light pink background, and simple diamond patterns give this design a light, modern feel. Dark blue-green accents provide a cool contrast and draw the eye to a circular photo of your featured dish. Our Flyer Maker allows you to quickly make any changes necessary to this template so it best reflects your business and branding. Edit text, insert photos or logos, change colors and fonts, and more within minutes. Once your flyer looks great, order the prints through our professional team and they’ll be shipped next business day.