Half Page Menus

Minimize menu clutter and maximize convenience with a new a half page menu. Find, design and print half page menus with MustHaveMenus!

Get Started!

Get started with half page menus

Create half page menus

Learn how to make attention-grabbing half page menus for happy hour, desserts, cocktails and more in 6 simple steps. Menu design made easy with our drag-and-drop Menu Maker.

Design a half page menu

Find a design

Browse hundreds of beautiful half page menu templates for drinks, desserts, daily and seasonal specials, and happy hours to find one you love! Then make it your own.

Find a half page menu

Professional menu printing

  • G7 Master Qualification for quality of printing
  • Full-color
  • Option for laminations
  • Available in three sizes: tabloid, letter, and half page
Print half page menus

Why create your half page menu with MustHaveMenus?

We understand restaurants. We tailor our templates and editing tool to meet the unique challenges facing restaurants and make the design process a delight. With MustHaveMenus, every restaurant can achieve a professional look without having to pay for a professional designer.

  • Thousands of professional menu templates to choose from
  • Industry-leading editing software for easy customization
  • A team of Customer Service experts ready to help you with your design