Red Labor Day Deals Digital Poster

16 x 9

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Design Details

Use this Red Labor Day Deals Digital Poster to show off your holiday deals with style and verve! Alternating streaks of red and crimson radiate from the bottom of this design, creating a sense of perspective and movement, drawing the eye to the bold white text at the top. A scattering of white stars adds to the excitement, and a bar of deep blue along the bottom is the perfect place to highlight the deals and discounts your customers will be so excited about. Top it off with a mouthwatering photo of the entrees on offer to really build the anticipation as patrons wait for their turn to order. With help from MustHaveMenus, you can transform your storefront and make it easy to showcase deals, events, and more on your television screens. With our exclusive design software, you can change colors, fonts, images, and more to make the digital poster match your restaurant’s brand.